Titanic “Jump” Dresses
Jennifer Cech of La Petite Trousseau made this shimmering version of the “jump” dress for a client. Look at all the spangles! Christina created her own version of the “jump” dress for a ball she attended. She writes, “You can’t see in the picture, but all the fringe is beaded and the front of the
Titanic “Flying” Dresses
Rosemary made this absolutely stunning version of the “flying dress” (isn’t it luscious?) as well as a beautiful “swim” dress seen in that section. Top-flight work, Rosemary! Ute Fortelano of Dragonfly Formals> made this splendid version of the flying dress (as well as a “jump” dress seen in that section). Doesn’t the velvet look scrumptious?
Titanic Dinner Dresses
Jennifer Rouch is a professional seamstress in Florida. This is her version of Rose’s dinner gown. Wow! She writes, “The Dinner dress was fully lined and made of caviar beaded black chiffon and then beaded using hot fix swarowski crystals 1000 black diamond, jet and crystal stones. It has a train and train holder that
Titanic Deck Dresses
Here is another one of Tracie Arnold’s knock-out re-creations! Tracie writes, “Here are the pictures of my newly finished Deck Dress. It is a two piece that consists of a long-sleeved Princess petticoat with embroidered cuffs and then the deck dress complete with embroidery. The embroidery differs from the film but it was not in