Titanic “Jump” Dresses
Jennifer Cech of La Petite Trousseau made the shimmering version of the "jump" dress above for a client. Look at all the spangles!
Christina created her own version of the "jump" dress (above) for a ball she attended. She writes, "You can't see in the picture, but all the fringe is beaded and the front of the bodice is covered with beads and rhinstones all the way up the sleeves. I didn't go all the way to the back, because I was going to wear my hair down and no one would have seen it!! Anyway, it was quite the night - I made a lot of noise when I walked and shimmered and shined!! Thanks for letting me share." Splendid!
Sherry specializes in plus sized formalwear and made this lovely "jump" dress.
Ute Fortelano of Dragonfly Formals made this splendid version of the jump dress above. I love the full train!
Jennifer Cech won a blue ribbon for a version of the "jump" dress she made in 1999. The jump dress modeled above is one she made for her daughter, who looks like an absolute doll in it!
Above is a cute "historical" shot LynnAnn had taken for her 1998 Winter Formal. LynnAnn's mom made this version of the "jump" dress for her. A labor of love!
Above is Corey, modeling two outfits made for her by Stitches in Tyme. Beginning at left, you see Corey in her "jump" dress, first standing with Judy, an extra from "Titanic," and next posing with Titanic historian Don Lynch. At right Corey shows off her "swim" dress. Thanks for sharing, Corey!
The lovely reproduction of the "jump" dress above was created for Kay by seamstress Jennifer LaConte of Florida. Truly scrumptious!
Angela made this wonderful version of the jump dress for her daughter, Lexie. Angela did all of the beading by hand! She writes, "Inspired entirely by reading your site and my then 18-year-old daughter's incessant begging, I made [this gown]. You were ever so helpful at that time. I think I jumped on board after your very first post about making the gown, when you were only in the shopping for the right medallion stage, or whatever. It was just such an amazing project. I did substantially alter the bodice decorations, since I'm a bead-a-holic, but other than that, it's fairly true to the original." Wow! What a dedicated mom! Thank you for sharing!
WOW! Tracie Arnold has outdone herself! This is her extremely authentic reproduction of the "jump" dress, which even features the "vest"-style bodice front that opens and comes off completely (along with the topmost overskirt). Tracie hand-beaded the entire bodice, faithfully copying from pictures of the original gown. Note the super details on the sleeves. Tracie's customer did not like the sequin and bead circles on the skirt layers, so Tracie left them off. Other than that omission, this is the most faithful reproduction of this gown that I have ever seen. Fabulous!
Isn't she a doll? Stephanie's mother made the gown above outfit for her. Here are Debbie's comments: "Like so many girls/ladies who loved 'Titanic,' we decided that Stephanie could go as Rose in the "jump" dress. We decided this before there were patterns available, so we mixed and matched, plus made adjustments for a nine year old--no train and a modest bustline. I didn't really like the circles on the lower edge of the gown, so we substituted appliquéd lace roses. The only trim which was commercially beaded was the sequin-front edge of the over-skirt, otherwise all of the beading and sequins are hand sewn on. My favorite is the dangling beads on the hem which made that clinking sound when Rose was running on the deck." Super job!
Rachel H. poses in the "jump" dress made for her by Kat Hargus of Making Time. Lovely!
My hat is off to Tracie! This gal spent six months hand beading the entire bodice of her re-creation "jump" dress (above). WOW! This is the most faithful re-creation I have yet seen.
Mary made her gown (above) from the Simplicity costume pattern, altering it for a better fit. Didn't she do a fantastic job with those alterations? And she even made boots to match! Bravo, Mary! Mary writes, "This dress was the greatest accomplishment for me. I had always loved the movie and the gowns, and I was so happy when I found the Simplicity pattern, but it had to be altered. (Not exactly my specialty.) Thank you so much for encouraging me and giving me ideas for improvement. Now I am planning on doing more work to it, for authenticity. I will attempt to bead the overskirt, and, if I am brave, the bodice. Please let everyone know that if they have any questions or comments about my dress, or need any advice on how to make their own, I would be more than happy to help. They can e-mail me at [email protected]."
Marichelle made this beautiful "jump" dress and spent oodles of time hand-beading it.