Victorian Studio Portraits
Here are two ladies wearing identical ballgowns and photographed in the same studio. The names on the backs of the pictures are different, so this isn't just one woman with two different expressions. The gowns are gorgeous. Note the wonderful lace collars and the patterned silk of the skirts
1850s Day Dress
Here is a wonderful photograph that demonstrates the transition between the 1840s and early 1850s. The short-waisted bodice and stitched-down sleeves with the puffy "bells" above the cuff are typically 1840s. The main difference is in the width of the skirt
Victorian Fashion Cartoons
I just love these spoofs from the 1860s! So many artists found women's new fashions completely comical and worthy of high satire. The first three cartoons poke fun at hoopskirts, while the one on the lower right demonstrates how unflattering a "spoon" bonnet can be on the wrong size head!
Regency Gowns at Jane Austen's House
The gowns above used to be on display in Jane Austen's house, Chawton, England. Note the beautiful shawl and the draping detail on the bodice at the right. Below is a photo from A&E's "Emma," and you can see the same draping detail was used for Jane Fairfax's ballgown.
Pride & Prejudice (1995) Film Costumes
One of Elizabeth Bennet's beautiful Spencer jackets from the recent A&E "Pride and Prejudice" miniseries. This one features nice sleeve details with "toothed" sleeve caps.
Emma (1996) Film Costumes
Here are several shots from the Miramax "Emma," starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Clockwise from top left: Day dress of a lovely sage green with a patterned muslin overdress; plainer day dress with gathered bodice and a gorgeous shawl; day dress of striped pink with a more squared neckline; morning dress with "drop-front" bodice; ball gown with sheer sleeves
Sense & Sensibility (1995) Film Costumes
Top left: "Mariann" and "Elinor" ride in the coach to their new home in "Sense and Sensibility." I love the bonnet Kate Winslet is wearing. Top center: The Dashwood ladies listen attentively to their mysterious guest. Mariann's daydress is simple and lovely.
Regency Fashion Cartoon
This satirical cartoon spoofs the length of some ladies' trains during the early Regency (ca. 1797). So funny!
Regency Bonnet Spoof
A hilarious Regency cartoon, poking fun at the increasingly deep bonnet styles of the period.
Ca. 1813 Regency Bonnet Fashion Plate
Fashion plate of mid-Regency bonnets. Note the tall crowns, which became quite the rage through the early 1820s.
Victorian Photos of Regency Garments
Here is something quite unique. These photographs were taken in the late 1800s. The young woman pictured is wearing an 1820s dress with a "calash" bonnet (very typical of the late 18th century through the early 19th). Perhaps she is modeling what her grandmother wore?
1818 Ballgown
This is an original ballgown from 1818. Note the beaded fabric and gold trim details. The sleeves are very large, which points to the late Regency period.
Victorian Era Regency Portraits
These paintings were done in the Victorian era but showcase the fashions of a generation before. The gorgeous portrait on the left shows the Grecian influence so prevalent during the Regency period (particularly early on). Note the trim on the sleeves and the gold band in the lady's hair.
Regency Ballgown Fashion Plate
Here is a Regency lady dancing in her ballgown.
Note the asymmetrical overskirt with tasseled trim.
Regency Illustrations from 1910
These illustrations are from a 1910 novel, D'Ri and I, by Irving Bacheller. The story is set during the War of 1812. I think the gowns illustrated here are just lovely.
1911 Regency Illustration
This illustration is from a 1911 cover of Ladies Home Journal.I love this very accurate and beautiful painting of a young woman in a pink bonnet. Note her reticule and beautiful, colorful shawl.
1818 Spencer Jacket Fashion Plate
English fashion plate of a woman wearing a Spencer jacket, circa 1818. Note the long scarf tied around the high neck of the jacket.
1820s Ballgown
Here is a scrumptious early 1820s ballgown (when all the puffs and furbelows really came into style with a bang!). Look at all the detailing on this gown and imagine the work! The slashed sleeves are simply a feast for the eyes, and the cording on the bodice just amazes me with its perfect stitchery. This is another gown you can see in Jane Ashelford's book,
Ca. 1810 Day Dress from Denmark
This is an original woman's day dress, circa 1810, which is on display in the Danish Museum. The fit of the dress has a very modern flair to it. This is another extant gown that directly inspired my original Regency Gown pattern, particularly when it came to the shape of the skirt, which I love on this gown.
Gorgeous French Empire Evening Gown
This is a beautiful French empire evening gown which is also displayed on Cathy Decker's Regency Fashion Site. This gown was a direct inspiration for my original Regency Gown pattern.