Rowena's Regency Ensemble for Christmas
I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed using your patterns, especially the Regency ones. I just finished a Christmas outfit using the Regency dress pattern (with piping attaching the short sleeve to the undersleeve and a fan front bodice) and the Spencer pattern.
Valarie's 1914 Afternoon Dress
Jennie, I spoke to you about my Edwardian white lingerie dress that I'd made from an embroidered fine batiste shower curtain. I used your 1914 Afternoon Dress pattern. I purchased the shower curtain at Target from their Shabby Chic collection. The ladies in your sales booth at Costume College just loved it.
Renee's Regency Day Dress
I made this dress to wear for the 400th anniversary celebration in Jamestown. It had such a feminine, graceful feel as well as adding to the remembrance of a past era! It is very comfortable for walking, yet feels very tailored since the gathers are all in the back.
Christine's Regency Ballgown and Pelisse
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful patterns. My daughter & I have been enjoying them so much! The past few weeks, I have been working on sewing my gown for the Marine Corps Ball.
Rose's Regency Ballgown
I made a gown from your Simplicity pattern for a New Year's party last year. Here are the pictures! The first one is from the Prom-Themed New Year's party I went to, for which I made the dress.
1914 Wedding
Our son just got married, and the bridesmaids dresses were from your 1914 Afternoon Dress pattern.Thanks!Marci B.
Aubrey's Romantic Era Gown
Hello Mrs. Chancey,I'm Aubrey Lenz. My sister, Emily, sent you pictures of the Regency gowns she made with your Regency pattern a few years ago.I graduated this spring, and Emily and I made a Romantic Era gown for my
Sarah's Regency Maternity Gown
I just finished up my first attempt at the Elegant Lady's Closet drawstring dress. I was SO happy with how easy it was to put together, fit, and with the finished result. I can't wait to make more! Thank you, Mrs. Chancey, for such a wonderful pattern that can be used for maternity and nursing!
Faith's Regency Doll Ballgown
Thanks so much for the Regency gown pattern! It was my next dress to make for my cloth dolls. I finally finished!! She's gorgeous and so is the dress. I adorned her a little more than was the style during Regency,
Joelle's Regency Ballgown & Spencer
I am a French primary school teacher living in France who loves Jane Austen's period. This summer, I found Jennie's wonderful website surfing on internet. Then, I ordered the Regency Dress pattern and went on with it having in mind to go, once in my life and if my dress is a success, to a Jane Austen Festival in Bath
Virginia's Bodiced Petticoat
I made this out of a beautiful fine weave cotton lawn and actually lined the skirt because I am going to be making a pretty gauzy dress over it, encouraged by your suggestion/mention of this common fashion
Ashley's Maternity Regency Ballgown
I thought you might like to see a few pictures of my finished dress. I did all the outside stitching by hand and the rest by machine. Though I'd thought about adding trim, I was running out of time and decided
Kim's Infant Regency Dress
Here are pictures of my first creation with your patterns. My 7-month-old daughter's Regency Gown turned out soooo cute.
The B. Ladies' Mother-Daughter Regency Gowns
Dear Mrs. Chancey, Here are a few pictures of our dresses I thought you might like to see. Hope you enjoy!!! In Christ, Sarah B. This is a stunning group! These ladies made their dresses for a Regency ball, complete with sashes. The fabrics are wonderful, lightweight linens and cottons. They combined options from my
Melissa's Regency Day Gown with Undersleeves
Here are pictures of another dress I made. I thought you might enjoy seeing them. Other than the cranberry crossover, this is my favorite. It’s basically your original Regency gown, but with the neckline cut a little more squarely. Enjoy! ~ Melissa T. Note the detachable undersleeves that take this dress from day to evening.
Amy's Regency Ballgowns
I made these ballgowns with my friends this summer using the Simplicity version of your pattern. The girls are part of an historical dance society and are focusing on the Regency period. The bronze dress is made of a tucked home decor fabric with gold sheer and wide ribbon trim accents. The pink dress is
Sarah's Regency Drawstring Gown
These are photos of my fiance', Aaron, and me, directly after he proposed to me in front of hundreds of people at the opening ceremony of the Fort Massac Annual Encampment in Southern Illinois. It was a glorious, wonderful surprise. So romantic! And, as you can see, I am wearing my drawstring dress made with your pattern. :)
Ida's Regency Ensemble
I bought the Sense and Sensibility patterns for a Regency Gown and the Spencer Jacket (which I turned into a pelisse by following your instructions). My inspiration came from the book Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I could identify myself with Elinor and picked the scene where she goes out for a walk in
Mother-Daughter Regency Tea
Dear Mrs. Chancey, I am sending you pictures of my mother and I wearing gowns which I sewed using the Elegant Lady’s Closet pattern. I am thrilled with the way they turned out, and they were so fun to sew! The “Elegant Lady’s” pattern is so wonderful, because there are an almost endless number of